Usually anthologies are like panning for gold. You've got to sift through a lot of dirt to get the gold nuggets. This anthology, however, was the motherlode. All the stories were entertaining. Out of the nine, the last two were the weakest, but still a good short read. I was pleasantly surprised by Charlaine Harris's contribution. I expected a Sookie story, but instead received a good vampire/werewolf story with no...
This collection was just stunning! Great combo, some of the stories are amazingly funny and a few are very spooky. Wonderful read, but a few at a time, there is definitely some overlap of ideas. P.S. LOOOved the Esther Freisner story. But I'm biased.
To say that I was looking forward to this book for the authors that I already know and love is an understatement. I couldn't wait to read L.A. Banks' story and Sherilyn Kenyon's. However, I have to say that I not only enjoyed the stories from the authors that I am already familiar with and love, but I enjoyed the stories from the authors who were previously unknown to me as well. What a great introduction to something new!...
What happens when you combine a wedding with the supernatural? Open the pages of MY BIG FAT SUPERNATURAL WEDDING to see how some of the finest writers answered this question.... MY BIG FAT SUPERNATURAL WEDDING opens with "Spellbound" by L.A. Banks. Odelia Hatfield and Jefferson McCoy are in love and want to get married. However, they are plagued by the hatred stemming from the old Hatfield/McCoy feud over land. See...
When you don't like one story in an anthology, you can just skip to the next. However, in this one, you won't want to miss a word anywhere! There's vampires, werewolves, Elvis, pirates, Greek gods and so much more. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of each and every story. P.N. Elrod has pulled together a "spook-tacular" variety of stories from some of the top paranormal authors (including herself). It's very hard...