The novel's story line revolves around a single moment that threatens to unravel a woman's entire life and will appeal to readers of Jane Hamilton, Sue Miller and Ann Packet. Postcards from Berlin, Leroy's previous novel, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year and is being developed by the BBC into a television drama.
Ginnie Holmes is a therapist dealing with troubled youth in the city of London. At work, where she appears to be professionally in control, she feels that she has lost something and is unable to help many of her patients. At home, her marriage that was never a hot bed of passion, seems to have gone stone cold and in exact opposite of the energy of their two teenage daughters. Her husband intends to move into their oldest daughter's...
Ginnie Holmes, a psychologist, lives in a house in London near the Thames River, with her husband, Greg, and sixteen-year old daughter, Amber. Another daughter, Molly, has just left for college. Ginny has grown comfortable with her life, in spite of the noticeable emotional distance from Greg, who is writing a book and plans to sleep in Molly's newly vacated room until he has finished. At her job, working with a traumatized...
The River House is a novel that accurately portrays what happens to many of us as we age and realize that dreams usually don't come true in the ways we quite hoped. When we're younger and more ambitious, we hold on to things that give us security to make it through the days, thinking that these very things will be the ones that will enable us to achieve the most and become our best. Ginnie, the main character in the novel,...
Ginnie Homes is a child psychologist in her early forties. She's raising two beautiful children, Molly, who is heading to Oxford, and Amber, who at sixteen, is still living at home. But lately life has been full of dissatisfactions: Greg, her lecturer husband, has gradually been moving away from her, too wrapped up in his academic work to have much time for her and the kids. She loves her home, which is close to the river...
Westcotes Clinic psychologist Ginnie Holmes feels out of sorts that so her colleague asks if she suffers from burnout. Ginnie is concerned that her daughter Molly is leaving the nest to attend Oxford, but still has Amber at home and her spouse Greg. Perhaps it is her client seven years old Kyle, who she suspects has suffered a major trauma that leaves her uneasy, but mostly when she is honest with herself it is her affair...