A must read for any entepreneur wishing to start up a business in the food industry. It is packed with great tools, from the business plan to spread sheets for site surveys.
I have had very good results after buying this book. It is easy to read and digest. The Web site is easy to get into and is a great help. Therefore, I recommend this book for anyone starting a restaurant.
This is the best ... bucks I ever spent!I bought this book. Registered it. Logged on to the Web site that comes with the book. Edited the sample business plan; and got financinig. All within 3 weeks.Simple. Clean. Concise. Got for it!
Restaurant Business Start-Up Guide: A Complete Guide To Establishing Your Business by Paul Daniels is a very practical, "user friendly", detail-oriented guide to the restaurant business especially for first-time entrepreneurs. Individual chapters address key issues the include the legal matters of starting up, forming a business plan, financial accounting, site selection, leases, financing, equipment, management techniques,...
I purchased this book, wrote my business plan and within two months had financing. Within three months, I had analyzed the best site, based on demographic profiles spreadsheets that are at the Web site that goes with this book.This book got me to my goal. I am a restaurant owner now. I recommend this book to anyone wishing to start a restaurant.