The Red Mustang is a novel written by William O. Stoddard. The story revolves around a young boy named Tom, who is fascinated by a beautiful red mustang that he sees on his way to school every day. One day, Tom discovers that the mustang has been abandoned by its owner and is...
Reproduction of the original: The Red Mustang by William O. Stoddard
William Osborn Stoddard (1835-1925) was an American author, inventor, and assistant secretary to Abraham Lincoln during his first term. Stoddard's father was a bookseller, and Stoddard worked in his bookshop while growing up. After graduation, Stoddard was employed in an "editorial...
Early one bright June morning, not long ago, a high knoll of a prairie in southern New Mexico was occupied as it had never been before. Rattlesnakes had coiled there; prairie-dog sentinels and wolves and antelopes, and even grim old buffalo bulls, had used that swelling mound...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.