Discover and rediscover the world of the Queen's Thief, from the acclaimed novel The Thief to the thrilling, twenty-years-in-the-making conclusion, The Return of the Thief. The epic novels set in the world of the Queen's Thief can be read in any order...
Engenides, the Thief of Eddis and beguiling narrator of the Newbery Honor-winning novel The Thief, returns in this brilliant page-turner. When Gen finds his small mountain country caught in a war between the nations of Sounis and Attolia, can his legendary talents stop the chain...
Discover and rediscover the world of the Queen's Thief, from the acclaimed novel The Thief to the thrilling, twenty-years-in-the-making conclusion, The Return of the Thief . The epic novels set in the world of the Queen's Thief can be read in any order. New York Times -bestselling...