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Behavioral Sciences Cognitive Psychology Ethics Ethics & Morality Occult Personal Transformation Philosophy Physics Politics & Social Sciences Psychology Quantum Theory Religion Religion & Spirituality Science Science & Math Science & Scientists Science & Technology Self-Help Spirituality TextbooksHaving read about half a dozen biographies on Che Guevara (written by a myriad of authors with different perspectives & objectives), I can confidently say that it is Castaneda, an eminent political scientist, who has written the most elegant and constructive evaluation of the life of Che Guevara. Although the book lacks the baroque detail of, say, Anderson's or Taibos' acclaimed biographies, Castaneda makes a moving and...
El Che fue sin duda un personaje contradictorio, por un lado el revolucionario idealista, por el otro un frio burocrata manejado por la disciplina. Esta biografia lo describe como el ser humano que era, inclusive sus fallas, que al fin lo condenaron a un tragico fin. Aunque el autor cubre un campo imenso con sus multiples entrevistas y sinumero de referencias, la objetividad sin embargo, resulta en una biografia carente de...
I was tired of seeing his face on all the t-shirts (as I am a college student) and not knowing just who Che was. Having read Castaneda's book, I now feel that I can say with confidence that I understand why Che's face has become such a countercultural symbol. Castaneda has definitely done his homework in preparing to write this compelling account of Guevara's life and death. The author does not attempt to glorify the revolutionary...
Castaneda's is by far the best work yet done on the subject, not only better written, but also more penetrating and authoritative than either of the other recent big bios--and all at something like half the length. Also, though Castaneda clearly admires Che, his insights and conclusions are still clear-eyed and uncompromising. This is Che for grown-ups, a real-life saint, as exasperating as he is inspiring, and all the...
Este libro presenta de forma organizada la vida del Che desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte y la situacion politica,economica familiar que le rodeaba.Va mas alla de la leyenda para ver el hombre y el revolucionario detras de ella.Analiza en una forma objetiva sus pensamientos y su trascendencia despues de su muerte.En fin creo que quien quiera conocer la figura del Che,este es un excelente libro para hacerlo.