This was purchased for a children's program at our local library. Can't comment on the book itself, as I haven't read it. But shipping was fast and book was in the condition promised.
Bought book for 9 year old daughter. I read it before her to discuss and enjoyed it. I know she will love it.
I purchased this book for my 10 year old son (for his "dreaded" summer reading), he loves mysteries and this was one that involved strategic thinking as well. There were some great puzzles to solve along the way and he truly enjoyed this book.
When adults start reminiscing about the books of their youth, they can grow eloquent in their praise. Amusingly, when those same adults starts comparing said books to the ones coming out today, they are in very great danger of suddenly contracting a case of Old Fogeyism. "Why when I was a kid we had GOOD mysteries. With lots of clues and puzzles and clever dialogue. We had The Westing Game!" (slams down cane) "I'd like to...
This book is great! I couldn't put it down. Chock full of puzzles, and great literature. (And from the reviewer's mom: My son reads a huge number of sophisticated books, and this is very high praise.) ;-D