""The Princess and Joe Potter"" is a novel written by James Otis and first published in 1898. The story revolves around a young girl named Princess Rosemary, who is a member of European royalty. She is sent to America to stay with her uncle, where she meets a young boy named...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
The Princess and Joe Potter is a novel written by James Otis and published in 1898. The story is set in New York City and revolves around a young girl named Princess, who is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Princess is a spoiled and selfish child who is used to getting...
"The Princess and Joe Potter" from James Otis Kaler. American journalist and author of children's literature; he wrote under the name James Otis (1848-1912).
"Hello, Joe Potter What you doin' up in this part of the town?" The boy thus addressed halted suddenly, looked around with what was very like an expression of fear on his face, and then, recognising the speaker, replied, in a tone of relief: "Oh, it's you, is it, Plums?" "Of...
The Princess and Joe Potter, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations...