This is my favorite piece of f/f literature. Knowing that this book changed the trajectory of lesbian pulp only makes it that much better. I read this every single year during December and it never gets old.
I first saw the movie Carol, which intrigued me about Patricia Highsmith. I loved the movie and the book. I think that the words of her genuine love story was delicately transferred to a movie script by Phyllis Nagy. The 50's came to life on the page and screen in an authentic way. Carol goes into my collection as one of my favorite reads.
The Price of Salt changed my life. I used to drive an ice cream truck in Long Beach CA and would stop by the pier at a used book store to search the racks of pulp fiction for anything that had a modicum of same sex content. 21 years old, knowing that I wanted to meet others of my kind, and the only literature I knew was Well of Lonliness, prison studies and pulp that either had the butch lesbian dying tragically or reformming...
Although this book was first published in the early 1950's the majority of issues that both Therese and Carol confront are still applicable today. Sure, times have changed and we all want to believe that within the past five decades we, as a society, have become more enlightened about homosexuality but unfortunately there is still more room for improvement."The Price of Salt" is a moving story about the developing love between...
I picked up the British edition of The Price of Salt (it's titled 'Carol' over here) purely on the strength of Patricia Highsmith's reputation; I hadn't bothered to read the back cover to see that was a (gasp!) story of lesbians. Having purchased the book I decided to read it despite my ambivalence to the subject matter. Well, I feel delighted to have read such a compact, moving story of human emotion. The Price of Salt,...
No matter how long our TBR lists get, we're always finding new books we want to add! Here are 23 exciting May releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Patricia Highsmith's life was marked by difficult personal relationships, self-destructive tendencies, and an endless pursuit to refine her work as an artist. A flurry of new television and film projects regarding the author have recently been announced. In the meantime, here are our picks for the essential Patricia Highsmith reading list.
Who are the bestselling romance authors of all time? We decided to find out. Here's a retrospective of authors who topped the bestsellers lists from the 1930s onward.