I have so much to say about the Prada Plan, from the first couple of page I was hooked, from Disaya to her crazy Prada Plan, Now some of the pages hurt because I could never imagine such things. I had a sheltered life and was protected with family. I was glad when YaYa found a true friend and they escaped the hell they was living in. However things only get thicker and thicker for my girl, I had to get part 2 like yesterday,...
Disaya was lost from the death of her parents. She found Mona in foster care, they both were lost but they never left each others side. Reading everything that each of them went through, brought me to tears. I laughed, cried, and cursed while reading this novel. Indie just seemed like the perfect guy to me especially for Yaya, I hope that their love still remains in book 2. Leah is just a devil. I can’t say too much ab this...
Prada Plan. My first read by Ashley Antoinette. I read all the review for this novel, and I added Prada Plan to my cart because I had to know what all the hype was about. First of all I want to say, this book was SOOOO Good! Well written, storyline will grab hold of you and make you want to laugh, cry and hurt somebody. I have read so many books about lost women, but this novel is the TOP RUNNER!! Disaya is a beautiful...
This book was sooooo gooood!!! I can't say anything different from what any of the other 35 reviewers have already stated. This book focuses on Yaya whose mother instilled the Prada Plan in her young mind before she died. "Use what you got, to get what you want". Yaya lives by this motto and is trying to do what she has to do to get PAID!!! Everytime it seems like Yaya has good luck..BOOM!!! Something happens and Yaya's life...
Ashley Antoinette 1/2 of the dynamic writing duo Ashley JaQuavis releases her first solo project with Prada Plan; which readers got a sneak peek of in Girls From the Hood 4 (Girls from Da Hood) (No. 4). Finally the story is told in it's entirety and readers will not be disappointed. Disaya's Prada Plan has left her life in shambles and she's struggling to put it back together again. But that's much easier said than done...