If you are interesting about the return of our lord Jesus Christ this book will interest you very much
Here's a partial list of contents from the alphabetical table of topics: -70 Weeks of Daniel -666 -1000 Years -144,000 -Abomination of Desolation -Abrahamic Covenant ... -Demons and Unclean Spirits -Dispensationalism -Dispensations -Elders (24) -Eschatology -Eternal Life -Ezekiel, Eschatology of -False Prophet ... -Isaiah, Eschatology of -Israel in Prophecy -James, Eschatology of -Jeremiah, Eschatology of ... -Midtribulationism...
This book is written by several authors and gives varying opinions on the topics of Bible Prophecy. I found the book informative and consider it a must have. I find myself picking this book up to read many times a week. It is not a read from front to back type of book as it is an encyclopedia and arranged by topics. I have purchased one and gave it to a pastor who will be doing a study at my church but I missed the book...
As the name implies, this is an encyclopedic reference for Scriptural prophesy. In the front of the book is a list of topics (table of contents) of all 140+ topics discussed, and then an index of charts. A short introduction from LaHaye and Hindson follows that discusses the need for such a book. Topics are then laid out in alphabetical order and covers topics from all prophetic writings in Scripture, not just those found...
Any topic, event, person, or place that surrounds the subject of Bible prophecy is found here in this easy-to-use book. I've never had the privilege of hearing Dr. LaHaye speak, but I have had many opportunities to hear Dr. Hindson. Honestly, I have never heard the book of Revelation explained so simply as I have heard it explained by Ed Hindson. He is a great communicator, teacher and speaker. This combined with Tim LaHaye's...