First published in 1977, The Politics of the Italian Army provides a comprehensive overview of the role played by the army in Italian history and politics from 1861-1918. Divided into three major parts the book attempts to do three things: to observe some of the familiar sights of nineteenth and early twentieth century Italian history from a slightly different viewpoint; to enquire into why one of the least militaristic of societies has been plunged periodically into aggressive wars by the deliberate action of its governments; and finally, to provide an account of civil military relations in Italy for use in comparative studies. The author discusses themes such as the First War of Independence; Fanti and the creation of the Italian army; the consolidation of the army; the army and the crisis of the late 1890s; the Libyan war and non-intervention.
This is an important historical reference work for students and scholars of Italian history, military history and political history of Europe.
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