I L0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0VED this book! The first page engages the reader and keeps a tight hold of them throughout the book with only a slight interruption towards the end as one pauses to think, "Darn, I'm almost at the end." The story is poignantly written with an undercurrent of sweet gentleness and compassion that Mr. Martin has mastered as his own unique style. It's also hysterically funny! This is the first book I've...
Steve Martin is one of the most talented, creative and intelligent individuals in Hollywood. Who else can lay claim to being such an exceedingly gifted comedien, actor, playwright and author?! After reading The Pleasure of My Company, what struck me as most impressive was that not only did Steve Martin write a second terrific novel but this novel is nothing like his first! Far too many writers can work in only one style,...
I have been a huge Steve Martin fan ever since I saw Father of the Bride as a little girl. When I discovered that Mr. Martin was also an author, I raced to the book store and picked up copies of Shopgirl and The Pleasure of My Company. This book in particular (The Pleasure of My Company) absolutely blew me away. It is clever, sensitive, touching...just absolutely brilliant. Steve Martin really showcases his talent in this...
I really enjoyed Shopgirl, but fell in love with the Pleasure of My Company. I often hestiate to buy a novel in hard cover (one might call me budget conscious? ) that is this short--however, it worth it. I read the book in just a few hours, but it will stay with me for a long time. Daniel is a wonderful, warm, and slightly sad character. I loved the first person narration. Daniel is obsessive-complusive and Martin nails...
I really enjoyed this book, and I must say, while I was reading it, I kept saying to myself.."I can't believe how talented Mr. Martin is." I have always been a big fan of his,and I really enjoyed his first book, the Shopgirl. But something about this one grabbed me even more than his first, and I read it without putting it down, I was so involved with Daniel,the main character, and his life.I have to admit, at first I felt...