"An Icelandic-punk version of Catcher in the Rye." -- Dallas Morning News
"If there were more people like J n Gnarr the world wouldn't be in such a mess."-- Oliver Sacks
The second book in a trilogy chronicling the troubled childhood of international sensation J n Gnarr, The Pirate revisits his teenage years with sincere compassion and great humor: bullied relentlessly, J n receives rebellious inner strength through the Sex Pistols and Prince Kropotkin--punk rock and anarchy offer the promise of a better and more exciting life.
J n Gnarr, the most famous comedic actor in Iceland, founded the Best Party, ran for mayor of Reykjav k as a joke and won, and served as mayor of Reykjav k 2010-2014, in the process becoming an international sensation and symbol of true alternatives to the political process worldwide.