The most readable version of Pilgrim's Progress available Reading The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan can be a bit challenging even for the best of readers. Not so with this new, easy-to-read version that translates the original archaic language into simple conversational...
A new edition of one of the greatest allegorical stories ever written. Nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read A masterpiece of the English Puritan tradition, The Pilgrim's Progress is rich in its imaginative...
Often rated as important as the Bible as a Christian document, this famous story of man's progress through life in search of salvation remains one of the most entertaining allegories of faith ever written. Set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama...
El progreso del peregrino es una novela aleg rica sobre la fe cristiana que relata el viaje de Cristiano a la Ciudad Celestial, buscando la salvaci n. Es considerada una de las obras clasicas literarias, habiendo sido traducida a mas de cien idiomas.
Impresionantes ilustraciones pintadas a mano y comentarios esclarecedores dan vida a esta obra maestra. Escrito desde la celda de la c rcel de Bunyan, El progreso del peregrino representa evocativamente una historia de lucha, perseverancia y fe. Con anotaciones y arte a trav...
With an Introduction by Professor Stuart Sim. John Bunyan was variously a tinker, soldier, Baptist minister, prisoner and writer of outstanding narrative genius which reached its apotheosis in this, his greatest work. It is an allegory of the Christian life of true brilliance...
Regarded as one of the most significant works of English literature, John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress has encouraged, challenged, and fascinated Christians and non-Christians, young and old, for more than three centuries. Retaining the dignity and beauty of Bunyan's original...
The best allegory ever written now retold in easy-to-understand modern English, making it clearer and more forceful to the modern reader. With more than 300,000 in print, this elegant retelling of John Bunyan's classic by James H. Thomas follows Christian...
A Timeless Tale of Adventure and Courage Acclaimed as one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world, John Bunyan's beloved allegory has captivated reader's attention for centuries while providing insight into the Christian life. Now, a modern-language...
John Bunyan s famous work, The Pilgrim's Progress is, next to the Bible, the most popular book ever published. It has been widely distributed the world over since originally published in the 17th century. But many aren t familiar with the story in it s original form or it s famous...
The Pilgrim's Progress has inspired readers across the centuries to persevere in their faith. For longstanding fans of Bunyan's tale, or for those encountering it for the first time, this illustrated edition offers new beauty and insight with striking...
Una joya, no s lo de la literatura cristiana inglesa, sino de todas las lenguas, es la obra cl sica del gran escritor y poeta del siglo XVII. Alegor a de la vida cristiana bajo el s mil de un sue o. Viaje de "Ciudad de Destrucci n" a "Ciudad Celestial".
The Pilgrim's Progress was written by John Bunyan in 1678 and is an allegory on the Christian life. It is regarded by many as one of the most significant religious works ever written. This beautiful deluxe edition is perfect to encourage readers to dig deeper into the...
Now in modern English and packed full of helpful features, this new edition will enable you to enjoy this classic of classics with greater understanding than ever before.
The Pilgrim's Progress has been called "the greatest allegory ever written." Its appeal sweeps across...
What does walking with Jesus look like in this life? The Pilgrim's Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, answering that question and illustrating the deepest struggles Christians face as they walk with God in this life. Since its publication in 1678,...
The Pilgrim's Progress is a classic work of English literature written by John Bunyan in 1678. It is a Christian allegory, describing the journey of a pilgrim, named Christian, as he embarks on a spiritual quest to find salvation. It is considered one of the most significant...