KINDLE BOOK REVIEW - WINNER, BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While struggling with his past, Raven...
In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While struggling with his past, Raven faces the prison's most ruthless killing machines. With...
KINDLE BOOK REVIEW - WINNER, BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While struggling with his past, Raven...
KINDLE BOOK REVIEW - WINNER, BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While struggling with his past, Raven...