Although I like the show the O'Reilly Factor and therefore expected to enjoy this book, I was surprised to discover the book was even better than I thought. O'Reilly does a great job of exposing hypocracy in America and he makes insightful observations about such issues as to whether there is a class system in this country. For example, while Clinton was renting out the Lincoln bedroom, Ted Kennedy was renting out the Kennedy...
As a new fan of the Fox News Channel, I've watched Bill O'Reilly rip Republicans and Democrats alike, to shreds. And I've enjoyed it.During the 2000 Campaign and Election, I've learned more about the political arena than I've ever know my entire life and part of that credit must go to Mr. O'Reilly. His no-nonsense approach to the facts made chapters like: The Politics Factor, The Race Factor, The Celebrity Factor and The...
Bill O'Reilly should not be compared to beat journalists in your daily newspaper or news readers on your local TV news. It perplexes me that some have ripped him for not being "objective" in his well-written and thoughtful book. He is a news analyst, and only a journalist in as much as he gathers the pertinent facts before hand. His show is based on a philosophy of vetting out the so-called objective journalism based mainly...
O'Reilly has hit a home run with this book. A crystal clear,no nonsense,look at America today. finally,some has stood up to main stream media and yelled BALONEY. We need an educated population and this is a step in the right direction.Politicians beware.the TRUTH IS OUT THERE.
After spending the weekend in the recliner with this book, all I can say is wow. Bill O'Reilly, in his usual take no prisioners style, lays out his guide to taking on America... and winning. He leaves 'no stone unturned.' From topics of taboo such as class, sex, and politics, through jobs, celebrities, and success, he covers all the bases. In his final chapter, Bill O'Reilly shows, as his loyal viewers already know, that...