Beautiful World, Magical World...Deadly World
Bullied and lonely, teenager Mona Parker's plan to end her life is interrupted when her guardian angel appears one night. He brings her a proposition.
Swap your life with another.
Mona agrees and awakens on Meredith, a magical world filled with flying horses, gnomes, and faeries. Now, Alexandria Duvalier, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy Duke, servants wait on her every whim. Sought after by scores of men, love-once a laughable prospect-is now finally within reach. Then her fresh and happy life comes crashing down. Her new world has a dark and deadly side.
And if she is not very careful, it will kill her.
Erin Decker for Bookish
I am a sucker for a good fantasy and The Open Portal did not disappoint. The author has a huge imagination, and I recommend this book to readers of high fantasy.