"I can only believe in a God that dances..." -Friedrich Nietzsche I love Ram Dass. For those of you who are in the "dark" about him, he is formerly known as Richard Alpert...no relation to Herb. He and fellow psychoanalyst, Timothy Leary (anyone ever hear of him) promoted LSD as the way to change EVERYTHING in your life. From curing alcoholism to feeling as though there is a deeper side to everything...
Ram Dass has the remarkable ability to deal with profound topics - the planes of existence, chakras, the nature of Being in his unique, effervescent, frank, and lucid style. The backdrop of Ram Dass - an acid researching, Harvard psychologist, who went to India for answers to his questions on existence, mysticism, and spirituality, is needless to say, unconventional. I frankly didn't know what to expect from the book. And...
An excellent, underrated spiritual book. Ram Dass is brilliant, spontaneous, and loving -- his messages are clear as a bell. For reference, the book is a sort of "transcript" of talks given at the menninger Foundation in 1970 and at Spring Grove hospital in 1972.Here is a classic quote from the book: "I used to hang out with the Mellon Family. The Mellon family is very rich. Each of the parents has 700 million dollars...
This is a great book. I highly suggest this book for anyone interested in western culture connected to eastern religion. Ram talks of everything from chakras to love. but mainly its about consciousness and the nature of it. The dance of life or in Ram's words "the only dance there is"