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Behavioral Finance Budgeting Debt Management Business Business & Investing EconomicsI purchased my copy of this abominably titled book in Borders, in the "Christianity, Practical Living" section. I am not a Christian and sought it out solely because of my familiarity with Hedges' earlier work. This is not a "Christian" book, any more than Krzysztof Kieslowski's "The Decalogue" (its model) is a "Christian" television series. Kieslowski and his writing partner, Krzysztof Piesiewicz, a lawyer from whose...
I would highly recommend Hedges' book on the Ten Commandments. It is far more than your typical study guide. Rather, it provides a deep understanding of the ripple effect that our moral and ethical lapses have on those around us. In a world that is consumed with the end justifying the means, Hedges addresses in this decalogue the means that all might do well to consider.
Many Americans want to reduce the Ten Commandments to an idol to be worshipped in a public place. This book lives up to the original intent of the Ten Commandments - a guide to meditation on what really makes an ethical life. Read Jesus's Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-8 after reading this book. Together they will change your life and help you see how many who simply want to display the Ten Commandments do not...
"Losing Moses on the Freeway" is a searing experience: emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. The simplest things in life are the most profound, yet so often people do not see the profound precisely because it is simple. People tune out platitudes about love because they've heard them all their lives, and their eyes skim off the surface without realizing the extraordinary nature and power of this emotion. But Hedges...
"Losing Moses on the Freeway" is a searing experience: emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. The simplest things in life are the most profound, yet so often people do not see the profound precisely because it is simple. People tune out platitudes about love because they've heard them all their lives, and their eyes skim off the surface without realizing the extraordinary nature and power of this emotion. But Hedges...