This evocative novel is a powerful tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of tradition. Set in the rugged landscapes of rural Ireland, The Old Knowledge tells the story of a young man struggling to come to terms with the legacy of his ancestors and the demands of his heart...
This evocative novel is a powerful tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of tradition. Set in the rugged landscapes of rural Ireland, The Old Knowledge tells the story of a young man struggling to come to terms with the legacy of his ancestors and the demands of his heart...
The Old Knowledge is a novel written by Stephen Lucius Gwynn and published in 1901. The story is set in rural Ireland and follows the lives of two families, the O'Neills and the Currans. The O'Neills are a wealthy family who have lived in the area for generations, while the Currans...
The Old Knowledge is a novel written by Stephen Lucius Gwynn and published in 1901. The story is set in rural Ireland and revolves around the lives of the local people who are steeped in the old traditions and beliefs of their ancestors. The protagonist of the story is a young...