First of all anyone has different points of view for a book, and these are mine. I did like some parts of the book and the storyline, but I couldn't stand the main female character. The two travel to Spain for a wedding, I wish there was more of that. It took me a hot minute to push through the last 3 chapters, because how the author end their trip to Spain, so quickly. Overall it wasn't that bad, but I was still hoping for...
This book had a unique storyline despite following a fake dating trope. I really liked the characters, which each had their strengths, especially for the female character. And, her being and engineer made it even more amazing. The couple had great chemistry from the start and all the way to the end. This is now one of my favorite books!
No matter how long our TBR list gets, we're always finding new titles we want to add! Here are 23 exciting February releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
This is one of our favorite months for reading. The list of titles coming up in December is packed with must-reads. This week we feature ten new and upcoming novels, along with suggestions of what you can read first.
It's practically May, which means—aside from the backyard relaxation station starting to come into its own—we’re entering Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, a time our country celebrates the many cultural and historic contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. To honor this special month, we've compiled a short starter list of some of the best new fiction (released in the past year) by Asian-Pacific American authors. These are the kind of riveting reads you can curl up with in your hammock, on a lounger, or at the beach and lose track of the day.