"A masterclass in how to write a mesmerizing memoir."
Why is this memoir also a mystery? Because its two Margarets, one a nobody and the other a celebrity, have these biographical overlaps.Both have the middle-name Eleanor.Both were born in Canada in November 1939.Both were students at Toronto University at the end of the 50s.Both majored there in English.Both, after leaving university, spent most of their free time writing.In their early mid-twenties, both spent most of their writing time writing poetry.Both, as young women and before feminism's second wave, were influenced by Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.Both worked for a marketing research company in Toronto in 1963.Both occasionally experienced palpitations of the heart.And for a period in their twenties, both used hair-straightener.
"Compellingly written and fascinating memoir of an extraordinary man . . . Unputdownable and original." - Helen T (Amazon)