Agatha Christie's debut novel was the first to feature Hercule Poirot, her famously eccentric Belgian detective. A refugee of the Great War, Poirot is settling in England near Styles Court, the country estate of his wealthy benefactress, the elderly Emily Inglethorp...
In her first published mystery, agatha christie mysterious affair at styles introduces readers to the heroic detective, Hercule Poirot. This is a classic murder mystery set in the outskirts of Essex. The victim is the wealthy mistress of Styles Court. The list of suspects is...
When an aging heiress is found fatally poisoned, the amazing Hercule Poirot, brilliant Belgian criminal investigator, is brought out of retirement to solve the case. In this classic tale of murder, jealousy, and greed, Agatha Christie introduced the famed sleuth, who is immediately...
In her first published mystery, Agatha Christie introduces readers to the heroic detective, Hercule Poirot. This is a classic murder mystery set in the outskirts of Essex. The victim is the wealthy mistress of Styles Court. The list of suspects is long and includes...
When Emily Inglethorp is poisoned the police are certain they've found the killer, but Hercule Poirot is not so easily satisfied. The sleuth digs deep into a tangled mystery in his debut appearance as the detective hero of Christie's classic crime series. Agatha...
In her first published mystery, Agatha Christie introduced readers to her now famous, Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. When the wealthy mistress of Styles Court is murdered, Poirot is on hand to sift through the confusing clues and long list of suspects! A classic mystery detective...
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's...
Hercule Poirot: The first investigation. Agatha Christie: The first lady of crime. A woman utters the name of her late husband as she lays dying. Why? It'll take a master detective to answer that question. Introducing Hercule Poirot.
THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES, BY AGATHA CHRISTIE Agatha Christie's debut novel was also the first to feature Hercule Poirot, her famously eccentric Belgian detective. A refugee of the Great War, Poirot has settled in England near Styles Court, the country estate of his wealthy...
The Mysterious Affair At Styles is Agatha Christie's first ever published novel and is the first to feature the famously eccentric detective Hercule Poirot, as well as other classic characters including Inspector Japp and Arthur Hastings. The sleuthing team investigates the murder...
Agatha Christie's first Hercule Poirot detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, is now available in a fine exclusive collector's edition featuring beautiful cover art from artist Laci Fowler and distinctive interior treatments, making it ideal for fiction...
"It's tempting to say that Agatha Christie is a genius and let it go at that, but the world's had plenty of geniuses. Agatha Christie is something special."--Lawrence Block, New York Times bestselling author In this official and fully restored edition, Hercule Poirot solves his...
The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel by Agatha Christie, introducing her famous Belgian sleuth, Hercule Poirot. Set in a grand English manor during World War I, the story revolves around the sudden death of the wealthy Emily Inglethorp. Poirot, called in by his...
Large Print, Illustrated Edition of this Classic Agatha Christie Novel. Styles was Christie's first published novel. It introduced Hercule Poirot, Inspector (later, Chief Inspector) Japp, and Arthur Hastings. Poirot, a Belgian refugee of the Great War, is settling in England...
The Mysterious Affair at Styles By Agatha Christie : A Hercule Poirot Mystery A refugee of the Great War, Poirot has settled in England near Styles Court, the country estate of his wealthy benefactor, the elderly Emily Inglethorp. When Emily is poisoned and the authorities are...
Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the world's finest literature. Your favorite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colors of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special...