In this imaginative adventure from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a young mouse named Ralph is thrown into a world of excitement when a boy and his shiny toy motorcycle check in to the Mountain View Inn. When the ever-curious Ralph spots...
In this imaginative adventure from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a young mouse named Ralph is thrown into a world of excitement when a boy and his shiny toy motorcycle check in to the Mountain View Inn. When the ever-curious Ralph spots Keith's red toy motorcycle,...
In this imaginative adventure from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a young mouse named Ralph is thrown into a world of excitement when a boy and his shiny toy motorcycle check in to the Mountain View Inn. When the ever-curious Ralph spots...
El protagonista de este simp?tico cuento infantil es un ratoncito llamado Ralph, quien vive junto a su familia en un antiguo hotel. A pesar de que los hoteles por lo general tienen un atractivo especial por la diversidad de viajeros que albergan, lo cierto es que Ralph se aburre...
El protagonista de este simpático cuento infantil es un ratoncito llamado Ralph, quien vive junto a su familia en un antiguo hotel. A pesar de que los hoteles por lo general tienen un atractivo especial por la diversidad de viajeros que albergan, lo cierto es que Ralph se aburre...
In this imaginative adventure from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a young mouse named Ralph is thrown into a world of excitement when a boy and his shiny toy motorcycle check in to the Mountain View Inn. This timeless classic now features a foreword written by...
In this imaginative adventure from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a young mouse named Ralph is thrown into a world of excitement when a boy and his shiny toy motorcycle check in to the Mountain View Inn. This timeless classic now features a foreword written by...
Celebrate HarperCollins's rich history of iconic children's books with Harper Classics, a carefully curated line of award-winning novels that feature a beautiful design and bonus material. In adition to the complete book, this edition of The Mouse and the Motorcycle features...