This is a great book for anyone who wants to learn about old mining towns and what you can find when you visited them. I have a much better understanding of what to look for when I see old structures and now I might even be able to figure out what they once were! Great book and a fun read!
This is an invaluable resource when hiking old mining camps in the San Juan mountians.
I have used this book with great success in my Colorado history classes and I recommend it to anyone with an interest in mining history and the Rocky Mountain West. Other books tell you where the "ghost towns" are located, but this book is unique in helping you understand what you are seeing when you get there. Their chapter on tin can dating alone is worth the price of the book. The research here is incredible and the...
This is a fabulous book which should appeal to anyone who spends any time in the back-country of the American West. You know those tumble-down buildings and random bits of rusted iron you occasionally encounter? Turns out they're not the junky nuisance you thought. This book, which is a fascinating read, will enable you to appreciate how folks 100 years ago were living in the very places you're exploring by showing you...