John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount. Christian Counter-Culture. Leicester/England and Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. First edition 1978; regularly reprinted in this format since 1984. 238 pages. Although this book is, in the meantime, almost 30 years old, it remains as timeless as the Bible chapters on which it is commenting - and as a reminder of what a tremendous gift John Stott has been...
I am preaching through the beatitudes right now, and next year, I plan on preaching through the rest of the Sermon on the Mount. I already had all the heavy duty technical books on this section of the Bible. So I really needed a book where the writer explained the text in a way that people could understand it. Stott's book fills that void. He masterfully explains and applies the text to life, and he always gives you something...
Stott almost always combines scholarship of a high order with practial/pastoral application. This is one of those books. I have had this book for a number of years, and it is a helpful resource for understanding aht applying the Sermon. I have it on a par with Lloyd-Jones, but Stott is much more succinct. I also like D. A. Carson's treatment. The concept of Christians as a counter culture - a concept a bit dated in...
This is on of the best books I have ever read. It is very fundamental to Christianity as ABC. It covers why and how Christians to be different from this world, from this "Culture". It gives reader a truly good overview on Christianity and Christian values and behavior. Even though it's written in 197.. , it's timeless. So don't worry to get outdated or something. Questions are common today as if they were yesterday. Read this...
I read an older edition of this book that was titled Christian counter culture, but I'm sure that the content is largely the same. John Stott shares his insights as he guides us through the Sermon on the Mount. He calls us to radical devotion to Christ and His principles outlined in this famous portion of Scripture. He gives good historical meanings of many of the words in Greek and unlocks his mainly orthodox interpretation...