Thank You Mr. Pointer for this glimpse into your personal thoughts of what is and what is not... Important.
Mr. Poitier deserves a standing ovation for this one! How lucky we are as readers to be let into this man's mind, where he tells us of his experiences that shaped him and his character. Who knew about his upbringing and what he went through to be where he's at today?! I mean wow, I'm just blown away! I'd recommend this book to any and everyone.
I grew up in the South and, when I was in high school in the early sixties, Mr. Poitier's two blockbusters, "Raison in the Sun" and "Lilies of the Field" came out. There was something about him, even then, that caught my attention. Who WAS this man? It always seemed he was a "thinker" - a "seeker" - a bit restless with himself. I recently picked up The Measure of a Man and my curiosity made me read it. Who IS this man...
Being a good little white boy, I knew little about Sidney, but felt respect for him as an actor due, in part, to my discovery of "The Defiant Ones" as a child. (The movie is a powerful work about racism, and I loved it.) This spiritual autobiography is no judgmental, squeaky-clean depiction of walking with God, nor is it an in-depth detour into the tribal religions available to Sidney as a child in the Bahamas. This book...
I started out writing this review, begrudgingly. Once I heard "The Measure of a Man" had been selected by Oprah's Book Club, my initial reaction was: "There will be a million reviews and my two cents will be lost in a crowd-of -redundancies". With the above caveat, I am recommending this latest effort by Sidney Poitier, not only for what is in the book - I am endorsing it for what it lacks. Let me explain: Too often we...
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