When lightning strikes an ancient crypt, it exposes a devastating wartime secret in this compelling psychological thriller. 1967. In a quiet village in the wild lands of the Scottish borders, disgraced academic Cordelia Hemlock is trying to put her...
Cumbria, 1967. Grieving the loss of her son, Cordelia Hemlock is in a village graveyard when lightning strikes a tumbledown tomb--and gives her a glimpse of a new corpse that doesn't belong among the crumbling bones. But when the body vanishes, the authorities refuse to believe...
Cumbria, 1967. Grieving the loss of her son, Cordelia Hemlock is in the village graveyard when lightning strikes a tomb, giving her a glimpse of a fresh corpse that doesn't belong among the crumbling bones. But when the body vanishes, the authorities refuse to believe a hysterical...
1967. Grieving the loss of her son, Cordelia Hemlock seeks out the company of the dead, taking comfort in the local churchyard. During a storm, she sees a corpse that doesn't belong among the crumbling bones. Cordelia begins to investigate, but there are those who believe...
When lightning strikes an ancient crypt, it exposes a devastating wartime secret in this compelling psychological thriller. 1967. In a quiet village in the wild lands of the Scottish borders, disgraced academic Cordelia Hemlock is trying to put her...
Cumbria, 1967. Grieving the loss of her son, Cordelia Hemlock is in the village graveyard when lightning strikes a tomb, giving her a glimpse of a fresh corpse that doesn't belong among the crumbling bones. But when the body vanishes, the authorities refuse to believe a hysterical...