The story centres on the fictional British Secret Service operative James Bond, who had been posted missing, presumed dead, after his last mission in Japan. Bond returns to England via the Soviet Union, where he had been brainwashed to attempt to assassinate his superior, M...
Bond may have a license to kill, but "Pistols" Scaramanga has a talent for it. He's a KGB-trained assassin who's left a trail of dead British Secret Service agents in his wake. His weapon of choice? A gold-plated Colt .45. In the aftermath of his brainwashing by the Soviets,...
Bond is back! After 10 years out of print, Titan Books is proud to present the return of the world's greatest secret agent, in a classic adventure! James Bond is dead! Or so his employers at MI5 believe until he attempts to assassinate his boss, M, because he's been brainwashed...
Hello, no book cover , hardcover,1965, other than that,This book is in nice condition, fresh, clean pages, no writing or marks inside this book. All pages are attached, no missing pages, no rips or tears. This book is still in good reading condition. Pictures are provided. Fast...
James Bond is set up to kill M in his office in London. This is just the beginning of a struggle between Bond and Scaramanga, the one they call the man with the golden gun.
A brainwashed James Bond has tried--and failed--to assassinate M, his boss. Now Bond has to prove he is back on form and can be trusted again. All 007 has to do is kill one of the most deadly freelance hit men in the world: Paco "Pistols" Scaramanga, the Man with the Golden Gun...
Bond is back! After 10 years out of print, Titan Books is proud to present the return of the world's greatest secret agent, in a classic adventure! James Bond is dead! Or so his employers at MI5 believe until he attempts to assassinate his boss, M, because he's been brainwashed...
Bond is back! After 10 years out of print, Titan Books is proud to present the return of the world's greatest secret agent, in a classic adventure! James Bond is dead! Or so his employers at MI5 believe until he attempts to assassinate his boss, M, because he's been brainwashed...
Bond is back! After 10 years out of print, Titan Books is proud to present the return of the world's greatest secret agent, in a classic adventure! James Bond is dead! Or so his employers at MI5 believe until he attempts to assassinate his boss, M, because he's been brainwashed...