This 1997 second book by journalist Michael Ruhlman is his first of several essays and collaborations in writing about the upper reaches of the American culinary scene. The most fascinating thing about the book is in learning with Ruhlman, as an outsider to the culinary profession, exactly how demanding a job in the culinary arts can be. What is taken as a matter of course by people like Daniel Boulud and Jaques Pepin comes...
Noboday could possibly convey what it's like behind the scenes at Amaerica's top chef's school as well as Michael Ruhlman has. Like many others, I read this book before attending the CIA. I didn't really beleive that things could be as hard and exciting as he made them out to be. But after 2 of the most excrutiating/rewarding years of my life, I now look back on this book as if it were my own memoirs, he is that accurate...
Buy this book, read this book - then get into your kitchen and feel inspired to create something amazing. For those of us who love to play around with food, wine and cooking - this is an inspirational read. You will never take eating at a good restaurant for granted again. I eat out a lot - maybe too much, and never really thought about the process and techniques which went into each dish I ordered. Reading this book makes...
I devoured this book as soon as it arrived! Michael conveys the rigors and detail of cooking along with the passions and complete dedication of those who choose this profession, framing it all in a personal story. I feel that I've lived my fantasy of training at the CIA and I've met some fascinating people along the way. This book is a must-have for anyone with any curiosity about this profession, or for anyone who just...
I loved this book it took me back to my days as a student at the Culinary School at Kendall College which was founded and started by CIA alum. I had gone back to school to change careers with the evening and part-time program Kendall offered. Being a chef is very demanding physically, emotionally, creatively and finacially. Despite my graduation almost two years ago I haven't quit my day job yet but I still have hope...