Originally published serially in 1912, "The Lost World" is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic tale of discovery and adventure. The story begins with the narrator, the curious and intrepid reporter Edward Malone, meeting Professor Challenger, a strange and brilliant paleontologist...
A nice edition with 50 original illustrations by Harry Rountree The Lost World is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, published in 1912, concerning an expedition to a plateau in the Amazon basin of South America...
Edward Malone, a reporter for the Daily Gazette, interviews Professor George Edward Challenger, to determine the truth of his claims about his trip to South America. Challenger reveals his discovery of living dinosaurs in South America, and invites Malone on a trip to prove...
El mundo perdido es el t tulo de una novela del autor escoc s Arthur Conan Doyle, sobre una expedici n a una meseta sudamericana (basada en el monte Roraima de la selva amaz nica venezolana) en donde a n sobreviven animales prehist ricos. Fue publicada en 1912 e introdujo por...
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish author who found fame writing about the detective Sherlock Holmes. Doyle was a prolific writer who also wrote science fiction, historical novels, plays, romances, poetry, and non-fiction..An exciting account of a jungle expedition's encounter...
Some believe what separates men from animals is our ability to reason. Others say it's language or romantic love, or opposable thumbs. Living here in this lost world, I've come to believe it is more than our biology. What truly makes us human is our unending search,...
The first in Arthur Conan Doyle's series of books featuring the popular character of Professor Challenger, The Lost World is a classic tale of adventure and discovery. A scientific team embarks on an expedition to a South American plateau, where they find a seemingly impenetrable...
Unabridged value reproduction of THE LOST WORLD by the original master of mystery Arthur Conan Doyle. Join the enigmatic and forceful Professor Challenger into the terrifying world of dinosaurs roaming wild. Adventure and mayhem, with humor sprinkled throughout, provide for a...
Armchair fiction presents extra-large paperback editions of the best in classic science fiction novels. Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World" is the third installment of our "Lost World-Lost Race Classics" series. It's a special edition fully illustrated and complete with bonus...
The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a classic novel about the discovery of prehistoric creatures. It is a magical tale that has inspired many for generations and have even been a source of inspiration for many adaptations and feature films. But, nothing compares quite...