This is a wonderful book in many aspects especially for the fundamental Christian who is fearful that practicing meditation will open him to some "non-Christian practice". The book clearly defines what is Christian meditation and what is not. Christianity did began in the East and meditation is Biblical. I like what Jim Goll says, that in exploring Christian mystical literature he often felt like an archaeologist who...
This is one of those books that you read at a very slow pace so that you can absorb everything written. I have learned so much from reading this book. I've learned about other authors, but mainly about pursuing an awesome relationship with God. I highly recommend it to anyone who is trying to develop the art of being in His Presence.
This isn't the kind of book that I can read quickly. It has a lot of new information (to me anyway) and it needs to be digested slowly. There are such important truths in this book about intimacy with Christ. You don't want to miss this one!
This is one of the most outstanding books I have ever read. James Goll takes you to a place and opportunity. You have to take the step to walk in a way that Practices His Presence or not. I have never found a book that is so needed today to get beyond where we are as believers and really know our Heavenly Father. Wow, I have already given instructions to at least five other people to buy the book immediately. If you are...
It looks like James Goll came out with another good book. It came out just in time for me, because I've been trying to enhance my prayer time, but didn't really know how. I heard of contemplative prayer from his other book called "The Seer", but he only touched on it lightly. So I was left wanting to know more. In this book, he goes into detail. He even has the "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence in...