Not super surprised from some offhand prior comments, but there is a very strange out of place aggressively anti-white racist rant towards the end of this book, that falls dead in the middle of unending stories of hospitality and actual communal privilege afforded her during this experience. Went from near heartwarming to vulgar and unfinishable very quickly. "Stunning and beautifully written..." Sure at times.
I couldn't put this book down. I had no idea that when this book was written that there were so many people living like this. And surprised at the attitudes. Such a good book
ThriftBooks is ringing in a milestone anniversary this year—twenty! In celebration, here are twenty terrific book-to-screen adaptations, spanning a variety of genres, that have come out since we were born.
Are you excited for the Oscars next month? If so, you might want to catch up on the literature that served as inspiration for some of the nominated movies. Plus, check out a few of our favorite book-to-screen best picture winners from the last quarter century.
We've been busy revisiting everything Game of Thrones in preparation for HBO's new House of the Dragon series. Along the way, we've learned some pretty interesting things. Here are ten little-known facts we've uncovered.