This book has been so impactful for me that I have bought and given away 4 additional copies to friends! That is the highest compliment I can really give to a book. As others have said, you cannot walk away from reading this book without seriously rethinking how you view, well, your money, your possessions, and the eternal impact that you can have. The book is fairly long and will take time to work through. I also highly recommend...
Basically all I can say is that this book has changed my life. I have completely re-evaluated every possession I have and every dollar I spend and even the direction my life will take. It is quite deep and a tough read- it took me 8 months to work my way through it, but it was well worth it. This is a must read for anyone who wants to get serious about living the way God intends.
The premise of this book is simple: Where your focus is, there your heart will be also. It's based upon Jesus' promise to reward us for faithful stewardship. Since we own nothing, and everything we "think" we "own" is really God's (The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof), what we do with God's stewardship reflects where our focus is. If we focus on the here and now, then we'll look to maximize that. If we focus...
I'm currently in the middle of reading, "Money, Possessions, and Eternity" by Randy Alcorn. If you decide to read it, be sure to get the updated and revised edition. This is a most fantastic book in what it shares about a biblical approach to money and Christian financial management. I wish I had read this book years ago. I'm 59 pages into the nearly 500 page book. I have already had so many ah-ha moments that I've...
Simply the best book on the subject. Be ready for a good spiritual punch in the gut. I buy numerous copies of these and constantly give them away to those I am close to. Chock full of scripture and and wisdom. It's intention is not to instruct you on how to get out of debt or balance your check-book. Seek out Ron Blue or Larry Burkett's excellent resorces for this. Alcorn lays out a view of the eternal promises of God (specifically...
Are you noticing a proliferation of furry faces around you? Maybe it's due to cooler weather, but more likely it's because of Movember, a month dedicated to raising awareness around men's health—with facial hair. Here's our recommended reading list.
Head back in time with us to the 1970s: an era that was awkward yet edgy, indulgent, while principled. Here, we look back at a time of upheaval and change, a time when divisions seemed vast and impassable, a time not unlike today.