Ariel (voiced by Jodi Benson), is a free-spirited mermaid, who is off on the adventure of a lifetime with her best friend, the adorable Flounder (voiced by Jason Marin), and the reggae-singing Caribbean crab Sebastian (voiced by Samuel E. Wright) at her side. But it will take all of her courage and determination to make her dreams come true-and save her father's beloved kingdom from the sneaky sea witch Ursula (voiced by Pat Carroll).
Taylor Swift's new album The Tortured Poets Department comes out April 19. Swift has a long history of including literary nods in her music and this title suggests her most bookish album yet! In preparation, we're reviewing a few of her poetical references of the past and making predictions about where the new album will take us.
In celebration of Cruella, the new film starring Emma Stone as a young version of the iconic villainess, we have compiled a roundup of ten of our favorite Disney villains and several ways you can get reacquainted with them.