Ariel (voiced by Jodi Benson), is a free-spirited mermaid, who is off on the adventure of a lifetime with her best friend, the adorable Flounder (voiced by Jason Marin), and the reggae-singing Caribbean crab Sebastian (voiced by Samuel E. Wright) at her side. But it will take all of her courage and determination to make her dreams come true-and save her father's beloved kingdom from the sneaky sea witch Ursula (voiced by Pat Carroll).
Over the years, Disney films have evolved from the hand-drawn works of art that broke new ground as the first-ever animated feature films to the hilarious Pixar collaborations that have been wowing kids and adults alike over the last several decades. Read on to find gifts for kids of all ages based on their favorite Disney movies.
Taylor Swift's new album The Tortured Poets Department comes out April 19. Swift has a long history of including literary nods in her music and this title suggests her most bookish album yet! In preparation, we're reviewing a few of her poetical references of the past and making predictions about where the new album will take us.
In celebration of Cruella, the new film starring Emma Stone as a young version of the iconic villainess, we have compiled a roundup of ten of our favorite Disney villains and several ways you can get reacquainted with them.