Seventy-five years ago, Virginia Lee Burton created the Little House, and since then generations of readers have been enchanted by the story of this happy home and her journey from the pleasures of nature to the bustling city, and back again. In celebration of this beloved...
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer. This picture book about the changes that come to a little house is beautiful and timeless. In 1942, Virginia Lee Burton created the Little House, and since then generations of...
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer.
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer.
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer.
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer.
For many years, the little house has existed undisturbed on a hill, surrounded by friendly trees. When the tranquility and harmony of the hilltop are interrupted by the tall buildings that spring up all around, the house grows sad. The kind great-great granddaughter of the man...
This picture book about the changes that come to a little house is beautiful and timeless. The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer... In 1942, Virginia Lee Burton created The Little House, and since then generations of readers...