In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...
In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...
In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...
In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...
In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...
In this all-new comedy-adventure, Timon and Pumbaa reveal where they came from, when they met, and how they helped Simba save the Serengeti. Their story includes glimpses into some big events from The Lion King that look a little different from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective...