Rhyming clues and engaging illustrations assist readers in solving THE LIFE OF RILEY book riddle: "Which dog is Riley." Children will relate to the character antics displayed by an anonymous Riley, his dog friends, and a pair of mischievous geckos. In tandem, they stir up hilarious trouble in the kitchen, classroom, backyard, and park. By the end of this enchanting tale, readers will have the all of the tools they need to solve the Riley-dog mystery.
Educational Note: The repeatable text allows even nonreaders to easily grasp the story content. Children will be engaged and active participants from the story beginning until the end as they strive to solve the rhyming riddle. This book is highly recommended by Kindergarten to Grade-4 students and teachers.This book is highly recommended by Kindergarten to Grade-4 students and teachers. It is a great book to use in meeting the Common Core Literacy Standards for Literature.