The purpose of this book is to examine the library and the librarian as they communicate with their raison d'etre, the user. Drawing from several literatures--those of communication, information theory, philosophy and linguistics--John M. Budd furthers the discussion of the communication process as it relates to libraries and librarians. Also investigated are various models, which are designed to describe a number of aspects of the communications process. The utility of these models in studying the library is covered extensively. This is especially useful in trying to determine dysfunction regarding the use of libraries and access to information. Noise, a particularly disruptive force, is investigated, including a look at how libraries and librarians create noise.
Budd reviews some of the ways various schools of thought look at libraries, information and communication. He then focuses on information, its relationship to the library, and its rate of growth. The dynamics of communications as a process is discussed and examined vis-a-vis the library.