Faithful rendition of Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra, Part lV, in English playscript adaptation. Includes stage directions and original German text in a beautiful Fraktur font.
"You are good, O Zarathustra, and even better than a cow"
...thus Nietzsche passed judgement on himself in this most self-consciously funny of all his many playful masterpieces - the one in which he consecrates Laughter itself as the Holiest of Holies...
A celebration of wit, comedy, philosophy, and high-spirits, the Last Temptation of Zarathustra is rendered here for the very first time as a rapturous playscript, and in English idiom sparkling with the wit and winged-feet of the Master's original. Thus, too, for the very first time the English-speaker will come away with a real feel for this masterpiece of comic self-consciousness: laughing, and tempted to pronounce Zarathustra himself Holy - and even Holier than a cow.
"What luck What a wonder Praised be the day that lured me into this swamp Praised be the best blood-pumping brain-drainer alive today Praised be the great leech-of-conscience himself: Zarathustra "
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