Since its original publication a quarter-century ago, The Cancer Prevention Diet has been one of the most popular guides to the prevention and relief of society's most feared disease. Drawing on the most up-to-date cancer research, Michio Kushi and Alex Jack present a dietary program that can be implemented safely and simply at home, at a fraction of the cost of usual meals and medical care. This completely revised and updated twentyfifth anniversary edition includes:
- Broader dietary guidelines and new recipes - New research on the twenty most frequent types of cancer - New ways to combine macrobiotics with chemotherapy, radiation, and more - The latest statistics, studies, and treatments - The role of positive emotions in the healing process.Once again, Mischio Kushi has written an informative and precise book on how to maintain your health, even when facing a diagnosis of cancer. Like so much of the macrobiotic diet, this is a healthy and great diet to begin to feel great and regain your health.
This book is informative, but since cancer patients have to see a nutritiionist and eat whatever their body allows them to eat, this can be difficult. But, if the the patient can eat whatever they need to, this book has lots of good advice and suggestions.
This book does an excellent job of summarizing and organizing all of the work done by Michio Kushi and others over the span of decades working with cancer patients. Though Macrobiotics is based on much Japanese culture, this book is geared to the westernized/American reader so there is very little in the way of cultural chasm to jump over.Many of the reviews up here are rather ill-informed. Though Macro has been around for...
I read the book and am fully convinced of the diet prescribed by Michio. I've just completely switched to a macrobiotics diet and feel healthier and more energetic. My blood pressure is back to normal so is my diabetes. I've read several of his books where there are testimonies of cancer cases where doctors have given up hope and given them months to live, they've survived for years and have proven western medical opinion...
The Cancer Prevention Diet, by Michio Kushi, outlines the causes and cures for cancer, according to a macrobiotic philosophy. This philosophy, posited on yin-yang (as male-female) is about excess, imbalance (sickness) and balance (health) and how to bring this about in our lives and our diets. It is a wonderful book - very thorough on background, filled with testimonies from cancer survivors, outlining the different types...