His older brother, Danny, whom Brad revered in childhood, has become a source of angst in Brad's adult years. Ill-advised financial decisions on Danny's part involuntarily alter his brother's hope and dreams. But even more pressing is the matter of the two love interests in his life-Sara, his wife and ultimate soul mate, and the insidious Nikki Dee, Brad's lustful lover.
A twisted web of deception, infidelities, and blackmail schemes pursue Brad and those close to him. But it isn't until the tragic death of his best friend, Doug Reeder, that Brad's perspective on life takes a spiritual turn, marking a pivotal point in redefining his chosen path.
Full of surprising twists and turns, The Last Lent culminates in one final declaration of truth. But, which is the definitive truth. the inexplicable revelation of spirituality, or the inadvertent delusion of grandeur? Take a leap of faith in the life of Brad Martin and decide for yourself.