This highly acclaimed study depicts and evaluates in an original and imaginative fashion the 'Golden Age' of Viennese Jewry during the long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph II. Based on exhaustive and meticulous research, Professor Wistrich's reconstruction of the place of the Jews...
This study depicts and evaluates the 'golden age' of Viennese Jewry during the long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph (1848-1916). Based on detailed research, it provides new insights not only into the factors that favoured the ascent of Viennese Jewry and the antisemitic movements...
This book depicts and evaluates the 'golden age' of Viennese Jewry which coincided with the long reign of the Emperor Franz Joseph between 1848 and 1916. Based on research into the demographic socio-economic, cultural and political factors that favoured the ascent of Viennese...