Do you have any idea who Jesus really is? "What you think of Jesus Christ will thoroughly color how you think about everything else," writes John MacArthur. This is a critical truth in the life of every believer. Our view of Jesus affects the way we view...
El Jes s que no puedes ignorar es un libro que recuerda la absoluta fidelidad y autoridad de la Escritura. ste llama al lector hacia una fe verdadera, a defender la verdad b blica cuando es atacada y el mensaje del evangelio cuando es mutilado por falsos maestros; a luchar...
Do you want to learn more about who Jesus really is? In The Jesus You Can't Ignore, author and pastor John MacArthur reintroduces a critical aspect of the Savior that has seemingly been forgotten. Yes, the Savior tenderly held little children in His arms but He also...