Amazing book! The theme the story the characters the journey- it’s all so easy to be buried in this book. What I love about historical fiction is that it allows me to learn more about major events through the experiences of ordinary folxs as they are trying to understand and get through. Such a wonderful descriptive book that allowed me to learn a lot about an important time in SKorea.
This is a great book that takes you on journey of a lesser known culture to westerners. See is an amazing storyteller and all of her books have made their way to my bookshelf. This one is a stand out for its look at these remarkable women. A page turner.
this one took me to a place i never even knew about. A familiar moral of the story moment, but a great lesson learned, through someone else.
I read this right after reading Pachinko and I highly recommend doing so. I so enjoyed this book. The characters were well thought out and the complexity of the situations they found themselves in was very much like real life.
This was my first book by Lisa See to read. It’s an excellent novel about an island off the coast of South Korea where women are the breadwinners and husbands raise the children and take care of the households. Very interesting with good character development. I have since read all but 1 of Lisa See’s books and decided to purchase the entire set so I can reread them whenever I want.
No matter how long our TBR lists get, we're always finding new titles we want to tack on! Here are 21 exciting June releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Spring may be around the corner, but these last few weeks of winter can feel endless. If you’re craving some warm weather and vitamin D, enjoy some virtual summer sun with one of these balmy, beachy books.