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History History of Religion Israel Judaism Middle East Religion Religion & Spirituality WorldThe first thing that you should know is that this book is co-ordinated with three other books which together combine to give the student an excellent opportunity to learn classical greek. The other books are: 1. Reading Greek Text-the study texts 2. An independent Study Guide to Reading greek-Answers to exercises 3. The World of Athens- Background study for the texts 4. Reading Greek-Grammar, vocabulary, and exercises to...
Before you buy into this book series, go clear off your desk. You're going to need a lot of space to spread out your Reading Greek library. At a minimum, you will need two books: the "Text," which includes Greek readings with brief English introductions, and "Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises," (GVE) which includes the actual pedagogical materials to guide you through the Text's readings. You'll need both books open at...
As a self-study student, I found this a great way to learn Greek. I already know Latin and German and had some exposure to the language. It has graded materials and soon you are reading the "real" stuff. The selections are several pages long and taken from authentic texts.Note that this book does not stand-alone. You must purchase the other volumes in conjunction with this book. It has a special reference specifically...
After a gap of twenty years and wanting a change from physics and maths, I decided to ... reaquaint myself with the rudiments of Classical Greek. 'Reading Greek' kicks off with very simple adapted Greek but introduces a wide vocabulary from the start. As I could remember some Greek from school I found that I rapidly coasted through the first sections but an absolute beginner would also make rapid and enjoyable progress in...
Although I've only been studying the "Reading Greek" course for two and half months, I didn't want to put off recommending it to the motivated self-learner. The books are elegantly and logically laid out, allowing the beginner to gradually accumulate a vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. I hasten to add that by "books" I mean that there are three vital, interconnected components of this course:1) "Reading Greek" ( Text...