In their bestselling work The ExtraordinaryLeader, performance thought leaders JohnZenger and Joseph Folkman revealed the 16key competencies that separate the top 10percent of leaders from the rest. Since thatbook's publication, they and coauthor ScottEdinger discovered, through an extensivestudy conducted over four years, that leaderswho possessed the ability to inspire and motivateoutperformed all others.
The authors found that the impact of inspiringand motivating others is consistent acrossdifferent kinds of organizations and withindifferent cultures. The Inspiring Leader revealsthe authors' newest proprietary research onhow top leaders inspire teams to greatness.It discusses the behaviors exhibited by themost successful leaders and includes adviceon how to implement them. Drawing fromstatistically significant data and objective empiricalevidence, the book shows how to: Establish a clear vision and directionUse the power of emotionsCreate stretch goals for your teamFoster innovation and risk takingEncourage teamwork and collaborationChampion change, and much more
Zenger, Folkman, and Edinger lay out thestrategies and concepts used by the world'sgreatest leaders to motivate their teams. WithThe Inspiring Leader as your guide, you willlearn how to put those strategies to work inyour own business.