Michael Parenti does what so many of the popular liberal writers can not seem to do. He speaks directly to the common man. His prose and cadance are in tune with the way an average Joe like me thinks and uses the english language. In regards to this book, he has brought to life the reasons why a person from the blue collar ranks should begin to look again at the crap spewing out of the TV set. It is one thing to hear that...
I've followed Michael around on his lecture circuit, and recently had a chance to read this book. Michael does an excellent job of exposing the "free" media for what it really is. He goes into detail on the censorship of newspapers, journalists, and the ridiculous right wing slant that is prevalent in the news today. Some of his viewpoints are a little sketchy, but most of them hit home and make a terrible amount of sense...
Once again, the author shows that he is one of the country's best radical political analysts. He points out, for example, that the idea of a "liberal-left" bias in the media is nonsense; media mouths like Rush, Buckley and Cokie Roberts tirelessly complain about this supposed bias, yet do not realize that their own gluttonous portion of the airwaves and print media refutes the very idea! Other notable facts discussed in...
The author explains clearly the ideological monopoly of our news media and how they control our thinking in so many ways. Americans need to be aware of the tremendous scope of media biasness(and its NOT towards the left, as many believe), shallowness of reporting, and how the media so often undermines substantial thought, especially in the area of foreign affairs and policy. Because of "Inventing Reality", I very much...